Fashion fetishist


Midnight Picnic

Nothing like some McDonalds in the middle of the night… Very elegant

Concept art – Powder

Sketching a bit lately…

Experimenting with color

Still a lot of work to go, but I’ve started a bit of a new approach. We’ll see how it evolves +_+

Sensation Modern Art Exhibition

Sensation Modern Fine Art International Artists Group Exhibition

June 2nd-16th, 2011
At 133-137 Westbourne Grove. Notting Hill, London, W11 2RS

The Patrons of Sensation Modern Exhibition are:

Louis-Philippe d’Austricourt, Prince of Arganville, New York

Charles-Henry d’Austricourt, Prince of Arganville

The Exhibition will be open every day from 2 pm until midnight.

I had a fantastic time, actually getting to see all the artwork. The building is massive and the atmosphere was great. I was there in particular to see the artwork of Julius Lewandowski. I have seen his work before, but this time was just blown away by the scale of the exhibit. Especially one of the works, with an image of a very fluid, decorative, pink, greek orgy is fantastic to see in person, becaulse of it’s scale.

And some more photos: (more…)

Maldoror – FWP

Illustration of a beautiful red dress by Maldoror Low Couture from his show “The Accuser” at Fashion Week Poland 🙂

The dress:

And my illustration:

I’ll put it on my etsy soon 🙂

Swimming in yellow and blue

Bubble Bum Babe

Fun dolly. I might do a full on painting of this one later.

Rachel Freire AW11

Illustration of this fantastic THING. Whatever you could call it 😉 Bolero? by Rachel Freire

My illustration, a bit of an experiment 🙂

Sketchbook again

Sketch in blonde red

Scribble scribble

Just some doodles today…

My new Louboutins

Ah braking in a new pair of shoes…

mixed media on cardboard

Pink babe


Lemon. Not Lime.

Can you imagine that!? A HINT of a background! Working hard! 😉

By the sea

Feeling summery in the middle of winter 🙂

Olive Girl

Random girlie in a corseted outfit


Just two sketches of ladies drawn in the waiting room to the doctors. Being ill sucks 😦

Flower dolly

Just doing what comes naturally to relax and unwind. I can’t even pinpoint where it comes from. It just does. I love the corseted form.

I wore a corset today and it felt so good. As if it contains your body and protects it from the outer world.

(click for bigger version)

Edward the Penishand

He’s so sad 😦 Don’t you just want to hug him??? …

…No. Maybe not.