Fashion fetishist

Posts tagged “exhibition

Sensation Modern Art Exhibition

Sensation Modern Fine Art International Artists Group Exhibition

June 2nd-16th, 2011
At 133-137 Westbourne Grove. Notting Hill, London, W11 2RS

The Patrons of Sensation Modern Exhibition are:

Louis-Philippe d’Austricourt, Prince of Arganville, New York

Charles-Henry d’Austricourt, Prince of Arganville

The Exhibition will be open every day from 2 pm until midnight.

I had a fantastic time, actually getting to see all the artwork. The building is massive and the atmosphere was great. I was there in particular to see the artwork of Julius Lewandowski. I have seen his work before, but this time was just blown away by the scale of the exhibit. Especially one of the works, with an image of a very fluid, decorative, pink, greek orgy is fantastic to see in person, becaulse of it’s scale.

And some more photos: (more…)

The Cult of Beauty at the V&A

I visited the exhibition in the Victoria and Albert today and really loved it. The only complaint I woudl have is that it’s too small hehe. I could go through a few more rooms like that and spend the whole day there 😉

I was especially happy to see a few Tissot paintings 🙂 This one in particular:

I also did a bit of sketching 🙂 I feel very inspired after all of it. I’m even thinking of experimenting with new techniques again.

Degree Show

And here are some photos from my degree show. Seven Deadly Sins fashion illustration and design.

Poodle style! :)

My outfit and styling for my degree show 🙂

9 Dec, 2008

Yesterday an exhibition by the Aberystwyth group of 16 students of ‘Contemporary Concepts and Practice’ opened. My work was a prt of it and the opening was a huge success 😀 It was really superb! Lots of people, lots of work, huge amounts of effort 🙂 I even managed to sell one of my works, a new one, I haven’t showed yet:

The Girlbox


And some photos from the show 🙂




And also from less fun stuff, I poured some cough syrop with shards of glass in it over my hands and it stung, and cut me to flesh ;_; Boohoooo!!! HURT!

Anything else? I don’t think so 😀 Though it seems my money problems are closer and closer to an end 🙂